About Us

Company Trade Name: 




1-30-1 Kichijoji-Minamicho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0003, Japan



JPY 10,000,000


Telephone Number

+81 (0)422 24 6150 (Japanese Only / Weekdays 09:00-18:00)

0800 777 2288 (Toll-free domestic call inside Japan)


Email Address

Info AT cctt.jp



Hideto Ted Osanai, CEO/President


Registered Services

1) Protective security service in domestic and overseas (Close Protection/Executive Protection Services)

2) VIP/VVIP/HNWI/UHNWI services in domestic and overseas (Arranging executive vehicles/hotels/airport service, etc.)

3) Security consulting/coordinating services in domestic and overseas

4) Security education, training and accreditation service in domestic and overseas

5) Point of contact for overseas security organization/companies in Japan and Asian region



1993 August, Started as a volunteer group

2003 August, Registered as a limited partnership company

2006 August, Re-registered as a corporation

2007 September, Established the Japan branch office for IBA (International Bodyguard Association)

2008 November, Established a group company Arms Security Co., Limited (Hong Kong and PR China)

2008 December, Established the Japan branch office for IBS (International Bodyguard Service)

2010 December, Established the Japan branch office for ILETA (International Law Enforcement Training Agency)

2011 September, Established the Japan branch office for AISP (Association of International Security Professionals)

2020 January, Established the Japan branch office for SSCS (Security Skills Certification Scheme)

2023 May, Established the Japan branch office for AICPO (Association of International Close Protection Officers)

2023 August, 30th and 20th anniversary for founding and establishing.

2024 June, Moved the office to Kichijoji Tokyo.


Official License and Registration

1) Security service approved No.30003564 by Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission

  Approved services: Executive and Personal Protection, Facility Security, Event Security, Cloud Control

2) Security education and training license by Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission

  Approved education and training: Executive and Personal Protection, Facility Security, Event Security, Cloud Control


International Organization

- AICPO Japan Office

- AISP Japan Office

- SSCS Japan Office


International Registered Trademarks


- AICPO (Association of International Close Protection Officers)

- INTCPO (International CPO)

- 国際ボディーガード協会


- 国際身辺警護士


Member of

- Association of International Close Protection Officers (AICPO)

- Association of International Security Professionals (AISP)

- Security Skills Certification Scheme (SSCS)

- All Japan Security Service Association (AJSSA)

- Tokyo Security Service Association (TSSA)


Japan Security Service Official License
Japan Security Service Official License