Scutum Integritas
Our motto is "Scutum Intergritas", which is a Latin
In English “Scutum” means Shield, and the word “Integritas” means
Integrity, which represents dignity, honesty, principle and complete. As a security professional, we always keep in mind the quality of dignity, honesty, principle and undivided spirit during our
service. CCTT as the security specialist will never to compromise to provide “Real Security” for our clients.
What's New
15 January 2025
Mr. Osanai, CEO/President of CCTT INC. had the privilege of serving as a lecturer for the National Training Seminar for Educational Executives on Category IV Security (Close Protection/Executive Protection), held at the Training Center of the AJSSA (All Japan Security Service Association). The National Training Seminar for Educational Executives is a program designed for instructors who teach courses required to obtain the Security Guard Instructor Certification, a national qualification in the field of security in Japan. Educators from all over the country gather for this seminar. This time, Mr. Osanai was responsible for five sessions (approximately 250 min.), where he provided instruction on the fundamentals and practical methods of close protection/executive protection services.
8 August 2024
We are grateful announce that CCTT INC. has the 31th anniversary for founding and the 21th anniversary for establishing as the
security company on the 8th of August 2023. We wish to thank to all our clients, partners and everyone who support us.